Welcome to my World!

Meet Karel Walle

Always set your Goals to achieve your next BIG GOAL - Karel Walle

Let's Get To Know Each Other!

Hi, my name is Karel Walle.

I’m a husband, a father of 3 and an internet entrepreneur.

All my life I have been in the electrical construction world with a 10-12 hour job. However, I have always been very eager to achieve greatness.

For the last 15 years I focused mainly on my career. My professional goals have always been to reach the highest levels in the companies where I worked. With some companies, I achieved my goals. With others, I did not.

Despite all my hard work and travelling from state to state (which, in some cases, was reflected in my paycheck), I always felt that something was missing. I wasn’t able to truly say, “This is what I want to do for the rest of my life!”

By 2015 I knew why I wasn’t able to say that.

My second child was born!

The first time I held her in my arms, I thought, ‘I need to find time to spend with this cute little girl! I need to change my life!’

That was the moment when I found my reason to change, my WHY!

That year, between my round-the-clock job and my research into different ways to earn an income, I struggled to find time with my family. The result was obvious. Nothing changed!

Maybe you can relate.

Two years later, my son was born. This was my chance to reinforce my WHY and take action!

That’s what I did. I decided to become an online marketer and create the lifestyle that my family and I deserve.


Having zero experience in marketing, I failed miserably for the first 6 months. Actually, at the worst point, I managed to get myself $8,000.00 in debt, on top of spending what little money I had left in savings on one program after another…and NOTHING WAS WORKING!

That was before I found an amazing Mentor who showed me what I was missing and what I was doing wrong. That completely changed my life!

Since I stumbled upon this information, everything has changed.

I now have total clarity and certainty when it comes to the action steps required to grow my business and my life.

The best part is, I have more freedom for myself and my family. I have a better lifestyle than ever before and I’m able to help people with their businesses and their lives.

To say that my life has completely changed would be an understatement.

If I did it, I’m sure you can do it as well!

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